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Wu Chien-Yi (b. 1987-)


Born in Taichung, Taiwan, Wu Chien-Yi specialises in collage art and mixed media installations. She received her M.F.A degree from the Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts in Tainan National University of the Arts in year 2014. Currently participating in “Taipei Artist Village-2017 Season 2 Residency Artists Exhibition” and also exhibiting at Taipei Fine Arts Museum. Large installations of “5100 Mini Store” series are created for Shanghai shopping complex and also another window grilles artwork at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts during 2016 Taiwan Biennial last year.


Known as the winner of 2012 The Arising Artist Award of New Taipei City for her ‘5100 Mini Store Project’, Chien-Yi is also on the finalist of  ‘The 13th Taoyuan Contemporary Art Award’ in 2015, the reputable ‘Taipei Arts Awards’ in 2011 as well as 2010 Kaohsiung Awards. She has also been invited to exhibit in numerous exhibitions, among which are the 2014 MT Expo and the 2012 Taiwan Biennial. 


Wu Chien-Yi’s art is the after product of various approaches regarding keen observations and experiments. Having paper tape as the medium of expression, Chien-Yi reintroduces the familiar objects around us in a new light. The artist recaptures the consumption-driven economy and the soaring growth of e-commerce today to reveal a truthful insight of our era through her seemingly unfocused collage art. Her innovative approach continues to bring forth the distance between a truer reality and the world we are in.


吳芊頤,1987年生於台中,畢業於國立台北藝術大學美術系,國立台南藝術大學造形藝術研究所,從事複合媒材裝置創作。關注日常性的會現象與文化,思考符號本身與其介面的關係,對應當代加工材料膠帶,加以編碼組構,形成具獨特語彙的視覺圖像,透過介入不同的空間建築中,產生意義並製造觀念上的辯證關係。系列作品『微型百貨』探討網路消費文化的符碼,『窗景的空間詩』呈現台灣黑鐵窗花在地全球化的庶民美學。並參與各種跨域合作計畫,透過文化與材料上的融合,工作坊等互動,使創作能量相互整合。近期透過國內外駐村創作與現地製作的裝置藝術,發展出別具區域性特色的作品。近年參與跨域展演與其他領域的藝術家合作,創造實驗性的展演形式,透過手工數據性的編碼結構架起場域,於台灣、新加坡、日本、上海、德國等機構與創作團體連結,進行現地製作與文化交流。2016年榮獲文化部遴選為ArtTaipei「新人推薦特區」藝術家,入選台灣藝術獎項,臺北美術獎(2011),參與台灣雙年展(2012,2016),2016年受邀上海金橋國際商業廣場,現地製作「微型百貨O2O」的數位互動裝置,2017年台灣首次受邀參與,台灣FB辦公室創作計劃(FB AIR PROGRAM)將台北特有的風景化為具共感記憶的裝置呈現,2019年再度受邀參與『FB AIRL Poster Design Commission』以海報設計與互動絹印工作坊的形式,將概念與視覺藝術傳達至國外的FB辦公室。


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