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非常榮幸能獲邀參與台灣FB總部(FB台灣台北辦公室)的創作計劃,FB在全球各地有個各種形態的辦公室,關注與在地藝術家的創作作為聯結的可能。歷時八天的現地製作,主題與台灣在地建築特色鐵窗花連結,來自我在台北駐村期間所蒐集的實景窗花圖案,延續在城市中的老台北記憶,拼湊台北舊時代的風景。7米的牆面圖案,為老屋空間改造的店家窗花,菱格紋左右對稱的窗花美感,是從外觀內的窗戶視角,將窗裡的日常景物化為幾何圖案,層層堆疊情感的厚度與層次,並融入自然景觀推移的想像空間 ; 5米牆面圖案,為都更下台北老舊市場裡的窗花一景,是從內觀外的窗戶視角,拼貼的色彩與圖案重複,呈現記憶疊影,帶有時代感的紀錄,喚起屬於台灣人的台式鄉愁。


材料上此次也初次使用了日本和紙膠帶,HARU stuck-on design,主要作為空間裝置效果,運用了三款 PET / OPP / washi tape 作運用拼貼。




Chien-yi Wu - FB AIR PROGRAM

Congratulations on Chien Yi Wu, who was the only artist invited by FB AIR PROGRAM to work on a project in Facebook's Taiwan head office!

It took Chien Yi Wu 8 days to create the site-specific art for Facebook. Although the artist only has limited time to finish the work, she still accomplished the task professionally and reproduced old grilles scenes in the office. The inspiration came from her artist residency experience in Taipei. Wu depicts different sceneries inside and outside the window between two walls and two perspectives in contrast, she also built a story including daily emotions and impressions of old Taipei with her art collages.

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